Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Daily Meals & Workout Routine

After experimenting and adjusting the menus from Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet & EC Cookbook, along with Bill Phillips' Eating for Life recipes, I came up with food that actually works for me.  I eat a lot of protein, (chicken breasts, tuna, salmon, legumes) a vegetable, (brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus) and a complex carb, (sweet potatoes, couscous, quinoa, farro) with each meal.  I also try to squeeze in small amounts of fresh fruit.  I eat small every 2-3 hours; protein shakes after my workout and during the day; and I drink a lot of water - at least 3 liters a day.

Example day:
7-8am - Banana, oatmeal w/1/2 scoop of protein powder, flax, cinnamon, blue agave nectar (1 T) water & coffee
10:30am - Protein shake or bar
12pm - Chicken breast salad with hb egg white, spinach, flax, quinoa, (1/2 olive oil ½ red wine vinegar dressing) & water
2:30 - Protein shake or bar
5pm - Tuna, salmon, or turkey, hb egg white, brussel sprouts, sweet potato, water
7:30 – Greek yogurt w/blueberries or apple with almonds

Workouts - I rotate every day; upper body, lower body, cardio, and throw in abs as often as I can.

Shoulders - Shoulder press; Front raises; Lateral raises; Reverse flyes        

Biceps - Dumbbell curls; Hammer curls

Triceps - Triceps kickbacks; Bench dips

Chest - Dumbbell incline press; Dumbbell incline flyes; Push-ups

Back - Dumbbell rows; Back extensions; Pull-ups

Abs - Hanging knee raises; Floor crunches; Oblique floor crunches; V-ups

Hamstrings & Glutes  - Dumbbell lunges; Straight-leg deadlifts; Lying leg curls & weighted kickbacks.

Quadriceps - Leg presses; Leg extensions       

Calves - Standing calf raises

Cardio - 30 minute intervals  (treadmill or recumbent bike)


  1. Your blog is really good, hope you post more. Really want to making good lifestyle changes and eat well and exercise.

  2. Great site! Good Job!
    have you thought of posting your daily meal plans on here for us 40+ year olds to follow? You've made such amazing progress.

  3. what kind of protein shakes and bars do you purchase?

  4. I like Muscle Milk 100% whey (vanilla) protein shakes with soy milk. I also like Premiere protein pre-made (choc) shakes and bars. Each have 30 grams of protein. Sometimes I make my own protein bars from recipes that I found in Oxygen magazine. I'm still searching for a "clean" version of pre-made bars and whey protein powder.

  5. You didn't mention about healthy fats? Do you incorporate that into your diet as well? In the Eat Clean Diet there's examples of using protein powder, which is what I do. What's the difference between protein powder and protein shakes? When do I use one vs the other?

  6. Hey Angela...I do incorporate healthy fats like almonds and olive oil every day. I use protein powder in my oatmeal and make shakes with it blended with either soy or skim milk.
