Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

To be, or not to be, Kurt Warner?

I happen to follow Kurt Warner on Twitter.  Not only is he an all-around super nice guy, he also happens to be one of the best undrafted football players of all time and his12-year career is regarded as one of the greatest NFL stories in history.  Here is how I responded to one of his many tweets:
Ok…now I know that Kurt HAD to work with great trainers in his NFL days, but hello!  I guess I just assume that it’s common knowledge that eating clean + weight training = ripped. 

How bad do you really want a ripped body?  If you want it bad enough like I did, then commit to eating clean/non-processed foods. I’m talking really and truly commit.  Read The Eat Clean Diet from Tosca Reno or The Paleo Diet book from Dr. Laura Dolson.  (I prefer to call it a lifestyle instead of a diet and no, I do not get any commissions for plugging these books.  I love them and they helped change my life.)  
Educate yourself, get rid of all the junk in your pantries, get to the gym or set up your own workout area, and make your new body happen! 

It’s amazing how many people just haven’t made the connection to what goes into your body creates HOW you look.  It really is 70% diet, 20% workouts, and 10% genetics.  Your diet is KEY to sculpting your body starting from the inside.  Weight training will mold and form your muscles to create a beautiful body.  Eat clean to get and stay lean. 

Love ya, Kurt, but just “eating better” won’t help you get ripped.
To be (ripped), or not to be (ripped)…that is the question.  The answer is up to you.


  1. I saw a status post on Facebook a few weeks back that made total sense to me....."Fitness is not 40% gym 60% diet. It's 100% dedication to the gym and your diet". I don't believe in any magic number when it comes to percentages. That's why I like this quote :)

  2. I like it too, Charlotte. Dedication to gym & diet is the key. :)
