I compare time to a speeding train that cannot be put into reverse or slowed down. You can’t see what’s up ahead, just what has passed. Looking back, you wish you could’ve seen yourself as a healthy and fit person that you always wanted to be. You can’t go back, but speed forward and hope the end of the ride is far into the future.
We all know by now what we should be doing to get fit and healthy, but are we doing it? The number one excuse to not get fit and healthy is, “I don’t have time.” Well, if you want it bad enough, you have to make time because time is not slowing down for you. Have you ever truly examined how much time you spend on useless non-activities? I made a deal with myself two years ago; if I want to watch TV, I need to be on the treadmill. Before, I would sit like a blob and waste an hour or two staring at the screen. I’m still trying to figure out how I can incorporate my laptop on a recumbent bike…?
Most of us feel that there are not enough hours in the day, but everyone on this earth shares the same 24 hours with their own individual responsibilities. (It’s too bad we have to sleep!) Some people make finding time to stay healthy and fit their number one responsibility and they MAKE IT WORK. Be honest with yourself about how much time you could be devoting to your body. Are their things that you could give up, multi-task, schedule for later, or even cut out? If you take a close look at each day and track your time, you might be surprised at what you will find.
So you don’t have to look back and imagine how your body should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve been, get onboard that speeding train and embrace every second you have now! Schedule those extra few minutes you find to plan your healthy meals, add some cardio, or crunch those abs. Then you can see what lies up ahead…a new fit and healthy body. You can become the conductor of your own speeding train through life and steer it where you want to go.
I sculpted my body through eating clean (non-processed foods) and weight training. My blog offers motivation, tips, experiences, and suggestions for fit and healthy changes.
Before and after

Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!
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