Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Death of a Sandwich

I know how to kill a sandwich in two seconds flat!  Ditch the bread, slide off the toppings, and go for the guts of it…the meat!  On my recent trip to Las Vegas, with not many choices out by the pool café, a grilled chicken sandwich was the closest thing to healthy on the menu.  So, this is what it ended up looking like:
It’s a sad ending to once a perfectly good looking sandwich.  Looking like the Pillsbury Doughboy is NOT my goal!  If you’re still eating white bread, you really should rethink it and here’s why:

White bread contains a large proportion of high GI (glycemic index) carbohydrates. These carbohydrates cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels which trigger a similarly rapid release of insulin.  It also causes raised levels of bad LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream. This can lead to problems such as heart disease as well as high blood pressure.  Another negative effect of eating white bread is on the body’s metabolism. This is retarded causing reduced efficiency in digestion and greater fat storage, which is more often than not accumulated around the belly. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why weight loss is so difficult for people who continue to eat white bread. Not only that, but it makes you feel more sluggish and less inclined to want to exercise.
Enough said! L
You can quickly get used to ditching bread from your diet if you want to.  I was never a big dough, roll, or bread eater anyway, but now that I’m used to not having it, I don’t miss it at all.

As I laid there on my lounge chair by the pool, I was proud of the fact that I’ve worked so hard to keep my body fat and sugar free.  I’m not self-conscious about my body like I had been for so many years prior to changing my life.  No bread, no problem! 

Be a caveman (or woman) and kill the sandwich - go for the meat!  J


  1. hi gwen how are you? our generation grew up on white bread sandwiches with real butter on them (and vegemite!!!) for lunch but yep, i'm totally out of the habit of sambos. loving your krusht gear - any new items planned ?

  2. What's in vegemite? We don't have that in the U.S.
    New Krusht Gear coming soon, Amanda! :)
