Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Eating Clean…the common bond!

I just finished competing in my second NPC Bikini competition.  I know…what the heck is a 48 year old doing in bikini competitions?  I decided to do it again because it is a really good goal for me both with my training and nutrition.  Nothing puts a flame under your rear like knowing that NPC officials are going to judge your body in a bikini in front of an audience!! I didn’t walk away with a trophy this time, but had an awesome experience and feel great about how my body looks. 

There’s a ton a prep before a show like this, but there’s also some downtime between the prejudging and finals when you have a chance to meet and talk with other competitors.  One of the common themes of conversation was about our diets.  Even though we were all on hard-core cut-to-the-bone strict competition diets, everyone ate clean in their normal everyday life.  All the women agreed that hardly anyone in their lives were very supportive of their “eat clean” lifestyle.  One girl said that she was constantly ridiculed by her friends because of it.  We all could relate to each other trying to eat clean in a world of garbage food and sugar pushers.  It was a conversation that could’ve gone on for hours.
I’m so glad that I had the chance to have that discussion with the other competitors and discover that all eat cleaners have experienced some of the same comments, attitudes, and been treated like we were aliens on dumb fad diets.  

Eating clean is not always easy, it’s not always inexpensive, and it can be more time consuming to shop and cook.  One thing is for sure; you cannot deny how it will help you look in your best achievable body combined with weight training.  You don’t have to compete to look like a bikini competitor after eating clean, but if you want to, skies the limit!  

Stand strong eat cleaners!  We are not weird, just the ones who “GET IT”!! J


  1. You look FABULOUS Gwen! Really amazing. Such a source of inspiration for us all.

    Why is it that people have to make fun of another person's choice to eat for health?? Isn't that sad!?

    Again, congrats and great job. You deserve a huge pat on the back for your dedication. No question it has paid off!

  2. Thank you so much, Charlotte! :)

  3. hey gwen new blog looks great! you actually look younger now than you did in 1993 !!!!! what category did you enter? i hear you - none of my friends are interested in health/weight and poo-hoo me when i decline to eat crap and i consider myself overweight and undertoned at the moment!. I just dont bother telling people what i'm doing anymore - i'm sick of trying to justify to unhealthy, fat people!!
    You look AMAZING and it must be such a warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing how fit, healthy and gorgeous you look for someone in their 20's let alone nearly 50 (ooops, should i say that horrible number lol!)
    Keep blogging and inspiring us gwen! xx

  4. Lol! Thank you so much for the nice compliments, Amanda. There was no "masters" division, so I was lumped in with all ages during the competition. I do feel good being fit and healthy and want to continue to stay that way for as long as I can. Best wishes to you! :)
