Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Take Note!

This may look like gibberish to others, but this over a year of my life of daily workouts.  Yes, I’m definitely “old school” and actually write!  I started tracking my weight training and cardio so I could plan ahead and look back at my progress, or any lack of…  It’s interesting to look back through the year as well.
I also have a food journal that I update daily.  This may sound absolutely crazy and obsessive to some, but it’s truly helped me stay on the right path of maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle.  I never did it before my transformation, and obviously it showed.  I could deny some of the things that I was eating because I never saw it in writing.  The only numbers I associated with my body were from the scale, which I tried to ignore and forget. 
As I’ve said before, plan, plan, plan!  Not matter what you use, old-school pen and paper, I - Phone-Touch-Pad, Smartphone, or your PC, track your progress and guide yourself into a beautiful new and healthy body.

Note taken?


  1. I totally do this too, pen and paper my friend! I like to bring it in with me when I visit my Diabetes nurse, she likes to see how my food and exercise is affecting my blood sugar.

    As always, love your posts!

  2. hi gwen - yes note taken!!! i'm thinking of getting an on-line trainer (i've seen results on the website of Lean Bodies Consulting - have you heard any feedback from this guy?) and if i do it i will have to journal everything! cheers, Amanda :)

  3. I have not heard about LBC, but after looking, I'm impressed with his website. If you decide to use him, you'll have to let us know what you think. Cheers to you! :)


  4. Love your post Gwen i have started and stoped taking notes so many times now and what i have seen when i go back over is i seem to give up taking noties when i am messing up and when i have a good clean day it makes it in the book i know i have to get real and start noting the good and bad if i want this to work thank you

  5. I do the same! Its so nice to see the progress you make with your training.. or where you can bump it up! and for the food I have an online food journal... nice and EASY :)

  6. do you keep a journal for your daily foods? can you post it for us to sneak a

  7. Since I'm a creature of habit, here's a sample of my everyday plan:

    I eat every 2-3 hours; protein shakes after my workout and during the day; and I drink a lot of water - at least 3 liters a day.
    7-8am - Banana, oatmeal w/1/2 scoop of protein powder, flax, cinnamon, blue agave nectar (1 T) water & coffee10:30am - Protein shake or bar 12pm - Chicken breast salad with hb egg white, spinach, flax, quinoa, (1/2 olive oil ½ red wine vinegar dressing) & water2:30 - Protein shake or bar5pm - Tuna, salmon, or turkey, hb egg white, brussel sprouts, sweet potato, water7:30 – Greek yogurt w/blueberries or apple with almonds
