Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy 2 Years to Me!

It’s obviously not my real birthday, but it is my 2-year birthday for my “new” body and life.  I could call it my anniversary, but I feel like I have been reborn into a new body that I re-created from hard work and a new mindset.  I give all the credit to eating clean, weight training, and my determination to achieve a goal and live a new lifestyle.  Trust me, at 46 years old, I’m trying to forget about real birthdays, but this is one that I will never forget!  I will continue renewing the commitment that I made to myself two years ago when I felt and looked terrible due to my own actions, or non-actions.  Knowing that I have cleansed my interior by eating clean and sculpted a strong new body is absolutely the icing on the cake for this old toddler!

(Minus the icing and the cake, of course.)


  1. hi gwen that is truly AWESOME !!! you are my inspiration. what a good feeling it must be to know that all your organs and insides are clean strong and healthy. you have set yourself up for quality life when you are in your 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. no blood pressure, cholestoral, diabetes drugs for you. that is fantastic, good for you, you deserve it. when you started clean eating did you notice any difference in the quality of your facial skin? enjoy!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gwen !
    Cheers, Amanda xx

  2. *HAPPY BEAUTIFUL BODY BIRTHDAY!* You look AMAZING, and I'm sure you FEEL even better! :)

  3. Thank you so much! I do feel great.

    Amanda - my skin is great now. I'm not just saying that either. I noticed a huge difference because of my water intake and just the fact that I cut out the processed foods and sugar. Obviously, we can't stop the aging process, but a girl's gotta try, right? Lol...

  4. Gwen.. you look remarkable!! I have a similar story where I was just a junk food addict and actually thought sweat was gross. Now I'm competing for my first Bikini (fitness) competition. Do you compete?

  5. Wow...congratulations on your upcoming competition and good luck! Thank you so much. I do not compete. I've never had that as a goal, but I so admire those of you who can get up there and show your stuff!

    Best wishes to you! :)

  6. Happy Happy Joy Joy! I'm so proud of what you've done, you are a true inspiration to me Gwen! I wanna be just like you when I grow up! Hot and Sexy!!!


  7. Lol! Well, thank you very much! I appreciate that. :)

  8. Gwen, how did you get over your sugar addiction? how did you refuse it in the early stages of your weight loss? I find it so hard.

  9. was one of the hardest things that I've EVER done, but it's over! The first month was the hardest. I thought I was losing my mind, seriously. The next few months got easier and I wasn't thinking about it as much, quit craving it, and didn't tempt myself by even looking at it. I figure, I had 44 years to eat every kind of candy and desert that I chose...that's long enough. I'm finished. The only place sugar took me was to fat and sad-land. I won the battle and you can to. Mind over SUGAR! :)

  10. In the beginning while you were losing weight or body fat, did you ever have those days where you wondered why you still have your pooch in front or why you still have that extra stubborn fat on the back of your butt? How did you overcome that? It can be quite frustrating!

  11. Found your blog from Roxi's and wow...I am so impressed....
    I am going to sit and read your blog entries as am also doing the Clean Eating but too much cardio and not enough weights here to learn from you....going to be 49 ~ and have been in fitness all my adult life....

  12. Anonymous...yes! Once the rest of the fat melted away, the stomach fat was the very last to go...and now it's gone!

    Marcelle - thank you and welcome. :)
