Before and after

Before and after
Before...eating junk, no exercise and feeling terrible. After...eating "clean", weight training, cardio and feeling amazing 19 years later.

30 years ago I was in the path of an unhealthy future due to my poor food choices and no exercise. Eating Clean cleansed the inside of my body and I sculpted the outside with weight training. Now 48 years old, I'm in the best shape of my life. It's never too late to change your body and your life!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

GOBBLE GOBBLE...Let the turkey do that!!

It's almost here...Thanksgiving!  Americans are getting ready for the big meal that represents this holiday, but let's keep things in perspective.  Before you sit down to the table, just take one minute, think, and analyze the situation before everyone starts shoving food at you.  Remind yourself of all the hard work you have put into your workouts and your vision of having a better body.  Are you going to let one afternoon of a room full of carbs and sugars take over your mind and freak you out?  NO!!  Be thoughtful of your choice process and think portion control.  Should we deprive ourselves?  No.  Just be aware that “this” is what got us out of shape in the first place.  If we all had good self-control in the past, we wouldn't be trying to transform our bodies now.  You might hear that little inner evil voice inside your head saying, "Get another piece of pie, big deal…it's Thanksgiving!"  Try my trick and say it out loud, "No, it tastes great, but I've already had a piece."  Yes, your family will think your nuts (they might anyway), but saying it out loud usually makes you walk into the other room or outside.  Do whatever it takes…start helping with the cleanup or just get the heck out of that kitchen and dining room!
If you do happen to freak out on Thanksgiving (and that little inner evil voice won), just start fresh on Friday.  Flick it off your shoulder and move forward.  Don't let it sidetrack your success just because of one crazy day. 
YOU are in charge of your body and what you choose to eat.  Make smart choices and leave all of the “gobbling” for the turkeys! 
Have a great Thanksgiving.  :)

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what I needed! Thanks! I will make good choices on Thursday, because I'm incharge of what goes in my mouth!
